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    On-Line Book Clubs

    Many readers find bookclubs to provide a useful source for book recomendations, book discussion, and companionship. hopes to support your efforts to establish book clubs--both on-line, and in physical space.

    We'd like to thank the TAZ Book Club of Dallas, Texas for making the exclusive mystery TORNADO BAIT by Amy Eastlake (see our review) their April/May book selection. Enjoy the novel, ladies.

    Here's a brilliant idea for combining reading with other activities--consider hosting a wine-tasting party. If you're in the North Texas area, contact Therese Milford at

    Many of you may wish to join a book club without knowing other readers who share your tastes and interests. is happy to offer the following services (note: our matching is limited by how many request help. Do yourself--and your future reading buddies a favor and let us know what you're looking for):

    • Recommend a book. Send your recommendations for a book club selection to
    • Match by city/state--Submit your handle (on-line name), reading preferences, city, and e-mail address to will mail you the handles and e-mail addresses of others within your city who share your interests
    • Create e-mail book club--submit your handle (on-line name), reading preferences, and e-mail address to will mail you the handles and e-mail addresses of others who share your reading interests and are willing to join an e-mail book club.
    • On-line book club? Who out there is interested in an on-line book club. Let us know and we'll see what we can arrange.

    Book club request. I have a request for a book club in the Killeen, TX area. Anyone interested in starting a book club in this area or in including a new member, please contact me and I'll put you in touch.

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