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    Review of SHOOTER'S CROSS by Colby Jackson

    Flying D Enterprises, October 2010

    Sam Blaylock may be scouting for the army, but he's also keeping his eyes open for the spread of land he's always dreamed of, one where he can bring his wife and children, where he can run a ranch and live the life he's dreamed of. He's been saving, hoping, and finally he thinks he's found it.

    Not that Rancho Diablo doesn't have some problems. For one thing, the water is polluted with sulfur, which gives it its name. Worse, though, are the neighbors. The first time he comes into town, a group of young thugs follows him, planning on stealing the money he's been saving to buy the ranch. Then there's the question of money--while the owner is anxious to sell, the least he'll take is twice what Sam has available. Still, Sam takes out a loan, buys the property, then invites a couple of his friends to help out...both with engineering and with the gunwork needed to keep the ranch his, and his life intact.

    Author Colby Jackson keeps that pace fast, with Sam's problems escalating and new problems and opportunities with each turn of the page. Secondary characters, especially the young man who joined the initial ambush but who comes around to Sam and the talkative ranch hand, Gabby, add color and make the dry Sam more human.

    Shooter's Cross is a solid, enjoyable read with interesting characters, dangerous antagonists, and a fascinating setting.

    Four Stars

    Reviewed 10/25/10

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