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    THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS by Robyn Anders

    A, July 2000

    The Truth About Cats by Robyn Anders Rick Engle had seen Jennifer Hollman, she'd been the rich girl dumping him for someone from her own background. He'd thought he had put her behind her but when he saw her working in that low-rent department store, the attraction still sizzled. When he gets her fired from her job and kicked out of her apartment, he has to take her in. Not that he minds too much.

    Jennifer still hurts from the way Rick had left her years before. She knows he'll laugh when he discovers her father lost his fortune day trading. Still, she doesn't have a lot of options--although if Rick thinks he's going to get lucky just because he makes her ache with desire, he's got another thing coming. One thing about Jennifer, though. She is a planner and a fixer. Before Rick knows what's happening, she has a twelve step program that is certain to make him perfect. If only he'll sit still long enough for it to take.

    THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS is a funny romance about two people who are polar opposites, yet who fit one another like hand and gloves. Jennifer is poor now, but she sparkles with class and polish. Rick has become rich running a successful 'dot com' company offering tattoos and body art, but he's still a little rough around the edges. Maybe he could use a few of Jennifer's 'steps,' but he won't be anyone's project. This may be the funniest romance you read this year.

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    Four Stars

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